Wednesday, April 29, 2020

EPISODE -6- BALL SENSE -II 29.04.2020

Hello Friends,

We have seen and practiced to pick a ball rolling towards the kid, directly and in variable ways, this is the most basic skill, now we will go to next step, will through the ball little trembled or bouncing, I am sharing the video that how to do it , Hope the way of skill will be helpful to get the ball sense easily and effectively.
Please watch the video and you can ask the questions too if you want to know something else related to this skill,
You can also follow my website to explore more

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Hello Friends, 

First and very basic thing to learn in cricket is ball sense, All skills of game is depend on ball sense only whether it is Balling, Batting, Fielding, catching, wicket keeping or umpiring even. So we will start with very basic,
As the kids are small in age and size both, we will roll a ball towards them and ask to stop that ball, I am attaching a video for this practice to understand in better way, First we will roll the ball exactly on their standing position and exactly reaching to their hand only, when you feel that they are able to judge the ball coming towards them, we will slightly deviate the direction and will move ball towards left and right side of their position,
Please watch the video..

Sunday, April 26, 2020


Now we are ready to discuss about our main goal, now our kids are all set with their diet, exercise , daily routine etc,
Before starting the skills of cricket, we need to understand that how many things can do in this game. Mostly people are interested and considering the batting part of this game as profession and entertainment, but as a profession, there are several things in cricket which can be explored i.e.
    1.       Batsman
    2.       Fast Baller
    3.       Spin Baller
    4.       Wicket Keeper
    5.       Fielder
    6.       All rounder

Every segment have lot of skills to do, we will start practicing in different manner apart from above skills, as our kids are small and their grasping power is little low comparatively, so in next episode, we will follow some practices to start the game, Keep following

Saturday, April 25, 2020


As we have discussed about planning, Observation and Diet schedule of our kids to give them proper energy to play, Now I am sharing that what kind of physical activity is required to make body strong growing and ready to adopt the game abilities.
As our kids are very small at their age, so we can’t go with heavy exercise, So there are several activities which needs to be done for a month to activate the kid for sport,
      1.     Running
      2.     Jumping
      3.     Stretching
      4.     Yoga
      5.     Other activities

RUNNING – It should not be more than 100 Mtrs in one go, Much running will affect the body growth and muscles will loose down, Kid can run upto 400 Mtr in a day but not continue , It may be 6-8 breaks
JUMPING – Jumping is a best exercise for kids, it helps all round developments, help in gaining of height, to activate internal organs to work better, activation of growth plates, releasing of Growth Regulatory hormones, But remember – Nothing to be done too much in numbers, maximum 20 jumps in one go.

STRETCHING & YOGA– The most important part of physical activity, There are several exercise must do like, TAAD ASAN (MOUNTAIN POSE) , BHUJANGASANA ( COBRA POSE), VIRBHADRA ASAN ( WARRIOR POSE) SPLITS, BAALASAN ( CHILD POSE), VRIKSHA ASAN ( TREE POSE), Shaking of hands (front and side )

Playing with Foot Ball


Mountain Pose

Cobrra Pose

Adhonmukh Swan Asan

Warrior Pose

Child Pose

Tree Pose

Friday, April 24, 2020


Hi Friends,
Hope my first Episode was very useful in terms of understanding your kid purposefully strategically and statistically, If you have missed the same, I am sharing the link for your references
Now we are moving to the next level, which is very important for every parents that how they can give a proper and complete nutrition to their kids, what should be the schedule of diet, whether all essentials have covered or not, over dieting, under dieting  etc

So again, it will be depend on the kid’s physical activity and body requirements, But the basics will be same for all. So following are the nutrition’s which have to give in daily diet.

1.       Protein – Pulses, Rajma, Chholey, Egg white ,Paneer, Chicken, Red meat, Fish
2.       Carbohydrate – Fruits, Potato, Milk, Chocolate
3.       Fat – Ghee, Chocolate, Paneer
4.       Vitamins – Fruits, Milk, Carrot, oranges, strawberry, Nuts
5.       Calcium – Milk & Green vegetables
6.       Minerals – Chapatti, Milk Nuts, Fish Egg and meat
7.       Fiber- Fruits and vegetables
8.       Growth regulators – Any supplement which you find better

I am suggesting some food items which will cover all the needs and can be given in rotational manner.
Start of the day – It should be started with a whole night soaked almond (Only One) followed by one cup milk, In second meal with some gap, any seasonal fruit ( non-citrus ) Like Banana, Apple, Pomegranate, Watermelon, muskmelon etc, if Kid is not liking fruit in morning hour, you can replace it by two Theraptin biscuits or by boiled egg white.
Another very good option is Flavored Dalia made in different manners every time, It will be an ideal food.
After snaky start,  Some solid may be given like, Paneer Paratha, Aloo Paratha, or anything solid as per liking, (Quantity will not matter, don’t force to eat more)
In lunch time – Proper course to be given, Any Dal/Rajma/chholey/red gram (any one in alternate manner) with one table spoon ghee ,Chapatti, Rice, seasonal vegetable or mix vegetable as per taste of the kid, Followed by Milk after one hour
In evening time – It should be again some snaks like little amount of dry fruits like roasted MAKHANA, two pieces of cashew, Rasin, Fig, or any fruit preferred by kid,  Roasted Gram, followed by any fruit
Dinner – Light dinner is always preferable but there is no boundation for kids, Encourage them to have dinner with all family members jointly so that they will enjoy the food and they will eat those things also which they don’t like, Followed by Milk before sleeping which will be in addition to some supplement like Complain Horlicks etc

·         Some Special Tips – Milk to be boiled with -four Dry dates (Chhuhara) So that you need not to give that separately and kid even don’t realize that what is mixed with milk
·         Citrus fruits to be given in noon time only
·         After 10 AM, A half glass of mix fruit juice can be given if don’t prefer fruits to eat, But motivate to have whole fruit, it gives fiber also.
·         A colorful food like mix of vegetable of different color will attract the attention of kid to have all that,
·         Paratha should always be filled with something like Paneer, Potato, Cauliflower, to make your task easy.
·         Milk to be given thrice a day, Quantity doesn’t matter
·         Make three sets of diet which must be rotated daily  to attract the attention or craze towards new dish
·         Whatever you are giving to you kid, plz keep in your mind about the nutritional value
·         Don’t give junks to your kid, if they start having junks, they will not prefer your diet plan
·         Chocolate is the key regulator of growth, so give a small quantity of that on daily basis and you can use this as a motivational factor like if you will finish the food, I will give you chocolate.
·         Involve your kid while preparing food, it will create curiosity of taste among them.
Hope this will help you to understand the fooding requirement of kids and you can ask questions also .
In next episode, I will cover the physical activity.

Thursday, April 23, 2020


Hi Friends, 

Before putting any kid or human being into any task, we have to understand and to analyze some basic information which will be useful to attain the goal in future,
Parents are the best one to observe there kids and have to keep the things in your mind strategically.
So first we have to observe our kid’s daily routine in different way, i.e. How he is moving, his activeness and most active hours, sleeping time and tenure, fooding habits, interests in time spending, what is his/her dietary items in daily meals, how long he plays in a single trench, how much time he needs to resume back, what is strength areas weak areas etc.
This exercise is very important to chalk out the proper plan to make her/him sporty active.
Some of my initial episodes will be related to very basic topics before we start physical activities, it is like fueling of vehicle before outing for drive.
Small kids are seems very active, or they are actually very active in compare to other age group but we have to minutely observe them to nourish/nurture properly and to check there down sides to avoid weakness in coming age.
After doing above study you will get some data ready with you to strategize your action further. Like..
1.       Sleeping time should be at least 12-14 hours for a kid of this age group and he can sleep more even – Ample sleeping is a creation of  growth hormone naturally and intake of nutrition’s into body in proper manner
2.       Sports activity must be in his/her most active window only
3.       Diversion of mind from indoor engagements like TV or mobile phone to outdoor physical activity
4.       Kids should eat everything like, All green vegetables, sprouts/milk, Ghee, Roti, Fruits, Two small bites of chocolate, Dry fruits, Nutritional biscuit, Eggs, Paneer, Etc.  (Don’t get panic to read all these items , it is not to give in a single day and not in huge quantity, You have to make a chart based on physical condition of your kid to give all these in a scheduled and strategic manner)
5.       Apart from all this, Kids needs a strong motivational factor by the way of audio visual aids, it will help them to do better on field.
Hoping that the information will be useful to you and will keep you kid into a track o achieve the goal.
If you have any personalized question to ask, feel free to put into comment box, I will try to attend and guide all the queries
Translation - 
किसी भी बच्चे या इंसान को किसी भी काम में लगाने से पहले, हमें समझना होगा और कुछ बुनियादी जानकारी का विश्लेषण करना होगा जो भविष्य में लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने के लिए उपयोगी होगी,
माता-पिता वहां बच्चों को देखने के लिए सबसे अच्छे हैं और रणनीतिक रूप से आपके दिमाग में चीजों को रखना है।
इसलिए पहले हमें अपने बच्चे की दिनचर्या को अलग-अलग तरीके से देखना होगा, अर्थात वह किस तरह से आगे बढ़ रहा है, उसकी सक्रियता और सबसे सक्रिय घंटे, सोने का समय और कार्यकाल, खाने की आदतें, समय बिताने में रुचि, दैनिक भोजन में उसकी / उसकी आहार संबंधी चीजें क्या हैं , वह कितनी देर तक एक ही खाई में खेलता है, उसे फिर से शुरू करने के लिए कितना समय चाहिए, ताकत वाले क्षेत्र कमजोर क्षेत्र आदि क्या हैं।
यह अभ्यास उसे स्पोर्टी को सक्रिय बनाने के लिए उचित योजना को चाक-चौबंद करने के लिए बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।
मेरे कुछ प्रारंभिक एपिसोड बहुत बुनियादी विषयों से संबंधित होंगे, इससे पहले कि हम शारीरिक गतिविधियां शुरू करें, यह ड्राइव के लिए निकलने से पहले वाहन को ईंधन देने जैसा है।
छोटे बच्चे बहुत सक्रिय लगते हैं, या वे अन्य आयु वर्ग की तुलना में वास्तव में बहुत सक्रिय होते हैं, लेकिन हमें आने वाली उम्र में कमजोरी से बचने के लिए उन्हें पोषण / पोषण करने के लिए उनका समुचित निरीक्षण करना होगा और नीचे की ओर देखना होगा।
उपरोक्त अध्ययन करने के बाद आप आगे की कार्रवाई के लिए रणनीति बनाने के लिए आपके साथ कुछ डेटा तैयार करेंगे। पसंद..
1. इस आयु वर्ग के बच्चे के लिए सोने का समय कम से कम 12-14 घंटे होना चाहिए और वह अधिक सो सकता है - पर्याप्त नींद स्वाभाविक रूप से वृद्धि हार्मोन का निर्माण है और उचित तरीके से शरीर में पोषण का सेवन है।
2. खेल गतिविधि केवल उसकी सबसे सक्रिय खिड़की में होनी चाहिए
3. टीवी या मोबाइल फोन जैसे बाहरी शारीरिक गतिविधि के लिए इनडोर सगाई से दिमाग का मोड़
4. बच्चों को सब कुछ खाना चाहिए, सभी हरी सब्जियां, अंकुरित दूध / घी, रोटी, फल, चॉकलेट के दो छोटे काटने, ड्राई फ्रूट्स, न्यूट्रीशनल बिस्किट, अंडे, पनीर, आदि (इन रंगों को पढ़ने के लिए घबराएं नहीं आइटम, यह एक दिन में नहीं देना है और भारी मात्रा में नहीं है, आपको इन सभी को निर्धारित और रणनीतिक तरीके से देने के लिए अपने बच्चे की शारीरिक स्थिति के आधार पर एक चार्ट बनाना होगा)
5. इन सबके अलावा, बच्चों को ऑडियो विजुअल एड्स के माध्यम से एक मजबूत प्रेरक कारक की आवश्यकता होती है, इससे उन्हें क्षेत्र में बेहतर करने में मदद मिलेगी।
उम्मीद है कि जानकारी आपके लिए उपयोगी होगी और आपको लक्ष्य प्राप्त करने के लिए एक ट्रैक ओ में बच्चे को रखेगा।

Wednesday, April 22, 2020



I have come across through lot of questions that my kid have potential and have natural talent in sport but i didn't find any academy or any online coaching, to nourish/nurture my kid since early age, 
This is very obvious that none of the coach is going to take much pain on small kids and don't want to take the risk of injury .
Don't worry friends, I am here to give a very detailed and efficient knowledge series to make your requirement fulfilled, 
Plz keep following this portal and stay tuned with us, We will cover from very basics till professional
In my next blog, you will learn the basic things which needs to be taken care by parents at there front. 
Before making kids as sportsman, Plz be ready mentally,physically and patient fully


Stay tuned.........I will be back with my next blog of basics with promise to see your kid playing like a professional within one year.
I will also share the videos that how professionally a four year kid is playing cricket with leather ball. So keep in touch and wait for my next blog......

Episode -24 - Bowling Grips (Pace Bowlers) - 05.07.2020

Hello Friends, Our basic knowledge about bowling has been completed in last episode, now we are moving towards our core basics, First...